
Herve leger sale-Thumbelina 2

Good heavens! When the beetle flew into the woods with her when the poor girl that is how afraid of thumb ah! But she
more beautiful white bird butterfly sad. She has tied him firmly that *? Leaves, if he could not get rid of it
, it will starve to death. But the beetle is not ignore this situation, he and she sat together the largest tree on a green
leaves, the flowers in the honey out for her to eat, and said how beautiful she is herve leger cheap, although she nothing like a beetle. How long does
Herve leger sale, those living in the woods all to visit the beetle. They looked at Thumbelina. Miss Jin Guizi
tentacles have shrugged and said:

However, Thumbelina is indeed very beautiful. Even taking her bird beetle can not help but to think so. But when we
say she is ugly, he finally had to believe these words, he is not willing to be her! She can now just to
where to go. They took her down from the tree took off, put her on a daisy above. She cried in that strange injury
above the heart, because she looks so ugly, even the beetle has not her. But she can not imagine people are still a beautiful child who
Korea, so delicate, so clear, as with the purest rose petals.
throughout the summer, poor Thumbelina lived alone in this huge forest. She made up a blade of grass for his small bed
, put it up together under a large burdock leaves, she will not make the rain poured into her. Honey from the flowers in her come out for food, drink her
is condensation in the morning dew on the leaves. Summer and autumn so passed. Now, the winter - it was cold and long winter
- come. Those for her singing sweet songs of the birds flew away now. Trees and flowers withered. Large piece of burdock leaves
- she has been lived under it's - also rolled up, leaving only a brown stalks. She was ten minutes
cold. Because her clothes are broken, and her body is so thin and slender - the poor Thumbelina ah herve leger max azria! She
will freeze to death. Snow began to fall, snow fell on her every flower, like a shovel full of Snow pack to hit me
their body, because we tall, and she but only an inch to long. She had wrapped himself in a dry leaf,
, but this does not warm - her shivering.


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12, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited affected by the earthquake victims in Sichuan Dujiangyan. He was in the ruins of more than 100 people trapped in the confidence of propaganda: we then hold on, the unit is trying to rescue you! (Figure 1)
5 13, in Beichuan County, Sichuan Beichuan Middle School herve leger sales, was a pressure in the rubble of the students receiving treatment. (Figure 2)
Photos: 15 moments let us cry
5 13 morning 2 am, a city of Dujiangyan in Sichuan province health care young children anxiously holding a shout: Who is the child's family? Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Leishe (Figure 3)

which is placed in the Township of Dujiangyan City middle school students to the remains of Mindanao (May 13 Lingchen She). Xinhua News Agency reporters Hou Tai and Wei She (Figure 4)

This is the people from the county seat of Beichuan County herve leger gold dress, Sichuan badly damaged road edge withdrawal (May 13, photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xieshe (Figure 5)

5 13, rescue workers will be a high school in Juyuan just the victims from the rubble to find lift student body from the scene. (Figure 6)

5 13, a message is waiting for the child's parents saw a dead student's body was carried away after struggling rushed forward. The day, rescue workers continue to gather in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan town of Juyuan secondary source for relief work in the rain, although the earthquake caused heavy casualties, but there are indications that there are survivors in the rubble. (Figure 7)
blood! Make people more directly in the face of the brutal earthquake disaster! It is so straightforward, so red, so shocked! (Figure 8)

5 12, the Wenchuan earthquake was felt in Nanchong, Nanchong, a hospital will be transferred to the open area of ​​neonatal hedge. (Figure 9)
Photos: 15 moments let us cry
5 13 morning, an injured students Liangping County, Chongqing Municipality, People's Hospital in outdoor temporary ward for treatment. Reporters learned from relevant departments of Chongqing Municipality, May 12 at Wenchuan County earthquake caused two primary schools in Chongqing Liangping collapse, in which cultural town primary five students died. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Chanshe (Figure 10)

a father in every effort to open the collapsed ruins herve leger cheap, buried deep sorrow to find their own son. (Figure 11)
Photos: 15 moments let us cry
2008 年 5 12, 7.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan, Chengdu felt obvious. Maternity hospitals in the earthquake in Chengdu Jinjiang District will be transferred to the production of maternal outdoors, the husband to his wife sent affectionate kiss, accompanied by his wife. (Guo) (Figure 12)

5 13, the ambulance crew in ruins of Hanwang Wudu primary school pupils on the rescue of survivors. (Figure 13)
in this sudden earthquake disaster, people's hearts on the same road as this has been broken to pieces! (Figure 14)

5 13, police officers and medical staff in Beichuan County, Sichuan Beichuan middle school to treat the injured. (Figure 15)


herve leger gold dress-Key content of the examination of accounting basis

Chapter I General theory

an accounting overview
(a) accounting based on the currency as the main units of measurement, reflecting a unit of economic activity and supervision of a kinds of economic management.
(b) of the basic accounting functions including accounting, accounting supervision and implementation of two aspects.
accounting functions refers to the accounting currency as the main units of measurement, by identifying, recording, calculation, reporting and other sectors, the main economic activities of a particular record on, afterwards, reimbursement for all parties involved to provide the function of accounting information.
accounting oversight functions is the accounting staff in accounting at the same time, the main economic activity of the specific legitimacy of rationality review.
(c) the object of accounting refers to accounting and oversight of the accounting content. Subject to any particular economic activity in monetary, accounting and supervision are content, that is the object of accounting. Economic activity in monetary value is usually known as movement or the movement of funds.
Second, the basic premise of accounting accounting entity, going concern, accounting and monetary measures four phases.
(a) The accounting entity accounting and oversight of the accounting unit or organization-specific, it defines in accounting and accounting information provided by the spatial extent.
accounting entity with legal entity (corporation) is not equivalent concepts, corporate accounting can be used as the main, but not necessarily a legal accounting entity.
(b) continuing operations (c) Accounting periods are divided into annual installments
, semi-annual, quarterly and monthly. Annual, semi annual, quarterly and monthly determined according to Gregorian calendar date.
(d) the accounting of the main currency of measurement used in the accounting process as a unified monetary unit of measurement.
unit of accounting should be based on the RMB as its functional currency. Income and expenditure in foreign currency-based units can also choose a foreign currency as its functional currency, but the preparation of financial accounting reports should be converted into RMB reflected. Set up an overseas Chinese enterprises to the domestic financial and accounting reports submitted, should be converted into RMB.
Third, the accounting elements and the accounting equation
(a) accounting for the basic elements of accounting classification of the object is an object of specific accounting.
assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, expenses, profits collectively referred to as the six companies accounting elements. Among them, the assets, liabilities and owner's equity capital campaign three accounting elements of the performance of a relatively quiescent state, which reflect the company's financial position; income, expenses and profit performance of three accounting elements of significant change in the movement of funds the state, which reflect the business the results.
(b) Accounting equation
1, assets = liabilities + owner's equity assets
business owners and creditors of the borrowed invested capital in the production and management of funds and the benefits arising from, respectively, attributable to the owners and creditors. Part attributable to the formation of owners equity; part attributable to the formation of creditors' rights and interests of creditors (ie, corporate debt). Assets in equity (including equity and creditor rights), assets and rights must be equal.
assets and interests in identity relations is the theoretical basis of double-entry bookkeeping, but also the corporate balance sheet basis.
economic business four cases: with the increase of assets, equity assets, equity assets, with less interest in the internal one by one by the internal one by one by
2, income - expenses = profit
income, expenses and profits of the relationship between the income statement is the basis for the preparation of business.
3, all assets = liabilities + equity + all (income - expenses)
Chapter accounting requirements of the specific content and general
; First, the specific content of accounting
(a) the payment of funds and securities as a means of payment sum
the monetary funds, including cash, bank deposits and other treated as cash and bank deposits, bank draft deposits, bank deposits, promissory notes, credit cards, deposits, letters of credit deposits. PI refers to that certain property ownership or control over securities such as treasury bills, stocks, corporate bonds.
(b) the property of the transceiver, change and use
property is the property of materials referred to, the property is a business enterprise for production and business activities and have the physical form of economic resources, generally include raw materials, fuel, packaging materials, consumables, product, inventory, merchandise and other current assets, as well as houses, buildings, machinery, equipment, facilities, vehicles and other fixed assets.
(c) debt, debt settlement
occurrence and claims the right to receive payment of enterprises, generally include a variety of other receivables and prepayments. Debt refers to the result of past transactions, events and businesses and other assets or services need to pay current obligations generally include all borrowings, and advances from customers, as well as dues and so on.
(d) increase or decrease in capital is the capital of investors to carry out production and business activities and investment funds.
(e) income, expenses, fees, costs, income is calculated
enterprises in selling products, providing services and transferring assets, the right to use in daily activities such as the formation of economic interest, the total inflow. Expenditure is the actual business of the expenses, as well as in the normal production and business activities other than expenses and losses. Cost is an enterprise for the sale of goods, providing services such as daily activities occurred in the outflow of economic benefits. Cost is an enterprise for the production of products, services and offers a variety of cost occurs is based on a certain product or service imputation cost object is the object of the costs.
income, expenses, costs, expenses are calculated and the results and determine the business status of the main basis for inventory shortage.
(vi) financial results of the calculation and processing
financial results is an enterprise mainly engaged in production and business activities through a period of time in the financial results achieved, the specific performance profit or loss. Financial results of the calculation and processing generally include the calculation of profits, income tax calculation, distribution of profits or losses to make up and so on.
Second, the general accounting requirements
Accounting records shall be in Chinese. In the autonomous regions, accounting records can be used simultaneously as a local common national language. In the PRC foreign-invested enterprises, foreign enterprises and other foreign organization's accounting records, you can also use a foreign language.
Chapter accounts and accounts
one accounts refers to the specific content of the accounting elements of the accounting classification of items.
(b) the classification of accounts
accounts at the level of detail they provide and the relationship of the exercise was divided into subjects and breakdown of the general classification of subjects. The former is a summary of accounting elements of the specific content of the classification of accounts to provide summary information; the latter is further classified the general classification of subjects to provide a more detailed accounting information more specific subjects. For more details of subjects ledger subjects, subjects in the general classification of subjects with the details set between two or more grade subjects.
accounts by their ownership of accounting elements, divided into asset classes, balance classes, equity categories, the cost categories, profit and loss class five categories.
(c) set of accounts principles
(1) The principle of legality, (2) the principle of relevance, (3) the principle of practicality .
Second, the account according to accounts set up, with a certain format and structure for the classification to reflect changes in accounting elements and the results of changes in the carrier. Set account is an important method of accounting.
(b) the classification of accounts with the classification of accounts
correspond also divided into general ledger accounts and the breakdown of the accounts.
general ledger is the classification of subjects according to the total set for the specific content of the accounting elements of the accounting classification of the account summary, referred to as general ledger accounts or general ledger. According to accounts reflect economic content, it can be divided into the asset class accounts, like account balance, equity type account, the cost category accounts, profit and loss account for five classes.
breakdown of the account is set up according to breakdown of the subjects used the specific content of the elements of accounting breakdown of accounting accounts, referred to as breakdown. General ledger accounts as an accounts ledger accounts as the following account details.
(c) the account is divided into the basic structure of
accounts left, right, in two directions, one to increase registration, the registration to reduce the other. As for which party registration increased, which reduced the party registration, depending on the recorded accounts of the nature of the business and the economy. Increase the amount of the registration period as the amount of current increase occurred; to reduce the amount of the registration period, as the amount of current to reduce the occurrence; The net difference after called the balance. Balance in accordance with said at different times, into the beginning balance and ending balance, the basic relationship is as follows:
account the amount of four elements: beginning balance + ending balance = amount of current increase occur - reduce the occurrence of this issue The basic structure of the amount of concrete accounts
including account name (accounts), record the date of the business economy, based on number of accounting documents, financial summary services, increase or decrease the amount of balances.
(D) accounts and accounts of the links and differences
accounts are accounts with the specific content of the accounting object of scientific classification, both along the same lines, the same nature. Accounts is the account name, but also set the account basis; accounts are accounts of the specific application. No accounts, account will lose its basis set; not have an account, you can not play the role of accounting subjects. The difference is: accounts is just the name of the account, there is no structure; the account has a certain format and structure. In practice, the accounts and the accounts without strict distinction, but are universal.
a double-entry bookkeeping, double-entry bookkeeping to balance between assets and equity accounting as the basis for an economy every business, be in two one or more interrelated account registration, campaign finance system reflect a change in accounting method results. Mainly double-entry bookkeeping debits and credits.
Second, the debits and credits debits refers to
(b) the debits and credits of accounting debits and credits
symbol to side. As for the
(c) debits and credits under the account structure
debit account that asset class increase, the lender said the reduction in the balance are in the beginning of the end of the borrower; equity credit accounts that increase, mean a reduction in the borrower, the lenders are beginning ending balance.
asset class accounts closing balance = beginning balance + current debit - current credit occurred
equity account beginning balance + ending balance = current credit occurred - the period debit
costs (cost of) class account structure and the same asset class accounts, income class account the same structure and equity accounts.
(d) the accounting rules of debits and credits: there must have borrowed loans, loans must be equal.
(e) the trial balance of debits and credits
(1) Amount in trial balance method.
All current debit accounts All accounts Total = Total amount of current credit
(2) balance trial balance method.
all account opening balance debit account all the credit total = total
opening balance closing balance of all accounts of debit = total credit closing balance of all accounts combined
; Third, the accounting entries refers to a particular transaction should take the matter should indicate the amount of credit accounts and records, referred to as entries.
(b) the accounting entries in accordance with the classification of
the number of accounts involved, accounting entries are divided into simple and complex accounting entries and accounting entries. Simple means of accounting entries involving only one account to another account debit and credit accounting entries, that is a loan by an accounting entries; complex accounting entries refers to two or more (excluding the two) accounts consisting of the corresponding accounting entries, that is to take more loans, a loan or borrow to borrow more and more by the accounting entries.
(c) the preparation of accounting entries steps
(1) determine the economic sector involved in the subject and nature (2) determine the increase or decrease;
(3) to determine the direction of the account (4) to determine the amount of the borrower
Fourth, the general ledger accounts with the breakdown of the parallel registration
(a) the general ledger accounts with the breakdown of the relationship between the
general ledger accounts for the breakdown of the control action with the exercise ; breakdown of general ledger accounts with the supplement effect. General ledger accounts and their respective breakdown on the total amount should be equal.
(b) the general ledger accounts with the breakdown of the parallel registration
parallel registration refers to the occurrence of each of the economic and business transactions to accounting documents must be based on the one hand, credited to the general ledger, general ledger account the other hand, credited to the account belongs to breakdown of the method.
general ledger accounts with the breakdown of the parallel registration required: the same basis, in the same direction, in the same period, the same amount.
an accounting documents, accounting documents of the concept, significance and types of
(a) the accounting documents are records of economic events or business written proof of completion is based on the registration books.
(b) the accounting documents of significance
(1) recording of economic operations, providing accounting basis; (2) a clear financial responsibility, and strengthen internal controls;
(3) monitor economic activity, controlling the economy.
(c) the accounting documents in accordance with the type of
accounting documents and the use of different preparation procedures, divided into the original documents and accounting documents.
Second, the original certificate
(a) the original certificate, also known documents, occurred in the economic or business to obtain complete or fill in to record or prove the occurrence of economic business or completion of the text credentials. (Purchase and sale contract, a variety of applications, bank statements, credit and debt is not a single such as the original certificate)
(b) the original certificate of type
1. According to different classification ;
(1) outside the original certificate. Original certificate means a foreign economic operations occur or complete, from other units or individuals direct access to the original certificate.
(2) made the original certificate. Made by the original certificate means a business unit within the department managers and personnel in the execution or completion of an economic business fill in, only for its internal use of the original certificate.
2. fill in accordance with the procedures and content of different categories
(1) a certificate. Fill in a certificate refers to a complete record of an economic business only the original certificate. A certificate is a valid certificate.
(2) the cumulative evidence. Certificate refers to the total number recorded in the period of time the same type occurred in the economic business of the original certificate.
(3) summary of evidence. Summary document refers to the period of time reflects the economic business of the same content a number of sheets the original documents, according to certain standards of the original certificate integrated fill.
3. in accordance with the format of different categories
(1) general certificate. General certificate refers to the unified printed by the authorities, within a certain range using a uniform format and use the original certificate.
(2) special certificate. Special printed certificate refers to the unit itself, only its internal use of the original certificate.
(c) the basic content of the original certificate
(1) the name of the original certificate; (2) fill in the date of the original certificate; (3) to accept the original Name of the certificate;
(4) economic business content (including quantity, unit price, amount, etc.); (5) fill in the unit signature;
(6) The signature of the officer; (7) certificate attachment.
(d) of the original documents fill in the required
(1) Records must be true. (2) the content to be complete. (3) The procedures must be in place. (4) writing to make it clear,
(5) number to be continuous. If the original certificate has been given pre-printed numbers, bad writing aside, should be stamped
(6) shall not be altered, scratch, Wabu. The original documents are wrong and should reopen by the issuing unit or corrections, corrections issued shall be affixed at the unit seal. Wrong amount of the original certificate shall be issued by the unit re-opened, the original certificate shall not be corrected. (7) fill in a timely manner.
(e) the contents of the original audit certificate audit
original documents should include: the original certificate of authenticity, legality, legitimacy, integrity, accuracy and timeliness of .
audited original documents should be handled according to different situations:
(1) full compliance with the requirements for original documents shall be promptly recorded, according to the preparation of accounting documents;
(2) For real, legitimate, reasonable but the content is not complete, fill out the errors of the original documents shall be returned to the handling personnel to be responsible to complete the certificate supplement, correct the error or re-opening, and then apply formal accounting procedures;
(3) For the true, original documents are not legal, accounting bodies and accounting personnel have the right not to accept the report to the people responsible.
three vouchers
(a) the accounting vouchers, also known as vouchers, the accounting officer under review and correct the original certificate in accordance with the contents of economic and business transactions to be classified, and for determining the accounting entries after the fill in the accounting documents. It is the direct basis for the registration books.
(b) the accounting documents of the type
1. classified by
(1) collection certificate. Collection certificate is used to record cash receipts and bank deposits, business, accounting documents.
(2) proof of payment. Proof of payment is used to record cash payments and bank deposits of accounting documents.
(3) transfer certificate. Transfer certificate is used to record non-cash and bank deposits of accounting documents.
2. fill method in accordance with classification
(1) duplex documents. Duplex certificate is an economic business of each matter in the amount of all accounts and their place on the same account credentials are reflected in a certificate.
(2) a single type certificate. Every single type certificate is fill out a voucher only the economic issues involved in a business accounts and the amount of the vouchers. Decimal places as subjects debit debit certificate, fill out credit subjects as credit memos.
(c) the accounting documents of the basic content
(1) the name of accounting documents; (2) fill in the date of accounting documents;
(3) The number of accounting documents; (4) a summary of economic business matters;
(5) economic and business issues involved in the direction of accounts and bookkeeping; < br> (6) the amount of economic and business transactions; (7) accounting mark;
(8) the number of sheets attached to the original certificate; (9), accounting supervisor, accounting, audit, treasury, and other relevant personnel system, a single signature.
(d) the preparation of accounting documents required
1. the basic requirements
(1) the contents of the vouchers must be complete.
(2) vouchers should be numbered consecutively. A need to fill in two or more economic business accounting documents, you can use fractional number method number.
(3) vouchers can fill each one original certificate or original certificate based on a number of similar summary sheets prepared, you can also fill in summary table based on original documents; but not the content and different types summary of the original documents fill in an accounting certificate.
(4) In addition to billing and accounting documents to correct the error can not attach original documents, other accounting documents must be accompanied by original documents.
(5) fill in accounting certificate if an error occurs, should be re-fill. Registration certificate has been recorded in the year accounting errors found complete, you can use a red fill the same with the original contents of the vouchers, in the summary column marked a re-fill with blue correct accounting documents, marked If the accounts are no errors, but the amount of error, and it can correct the error number and the difference between the figures compiled an adjustment of the other accounting documents, adjusted by the amount of blue words, the amount of reduction in red. Vouchers in previous years have found an error, it should be corrected with a blue fill in the voucher.
(6), such as blank lines, the last column should be an amount from the amount of numbers to the blank line under the total number of blank lines at the dash off.
2. collection certificate requires the preparation of the upper left corner
collection certificate br> 3.
proof of payment required proof of payment of the preparation of the upper left corner by the
4. the establishment of transfer certificate requirements
(V) the contents of the audit of accounting documents
audit of accounting documents should include: whether the content true; project is complete; subjects are correct; amount is correct; writing is correct.
cashier for payment or payment in the business, it should be on the certificate stamped
Fourth, the accounting documents of transfer and storage
(a) the transfer accounting certificate accounting documents
transfer is obtained from the accounting documents or fill in the time when to archive storage process, the relevant departments and personnel within the unit between the transmission process.
accounting documents of transfer to be able to meet the requirements of the internal control system, so that a reasonable and effective program delivery, while trying to save delivery time, reduce the workload transfer.
(b) the accounting documents of the accounting books kept

a Chapter VI, the concepts and types of accounting books ;
(a) the accounting books by a certain format is composed of accounts page to audited accounting documents based on a comprehensive, systematic, continuous record of the economic operations of the account book. All units shall be in accordance with the national unified accounting system and accounting business, need to set up accounting books.
settings and registration books are the basis for the preparation of financial statements, the accounting documents and financial statements to connect the middle part, in the accounting significance.
(b) the accounting books and accounts of the relationship among
account exists in the books, the books of accounts for each account is a form page and the carrier, no books, accounts to not exist; order books, the classification documented economic business is done in individual accounts. Therefore, only an external form of books, accounts it is the real content. Books and accounts of the relationship is the relationship between form and content.
(c) the accounting books of the classification
1. by use classification
(1) when the order books. Order books, also known journal when it is completed according to the economic business case or transaction-time registration of the order of books daily. In China, most of the units is generally set the cash journal and bank deposit account.
(2) ledger. General ledger, subsidiary ledgers. Ledger accounting information is provided the main basis for the preparation of financial statements.
(3) reference books. Reference books referred to as reference books,
2. Page format by account classification
(1) two-column books. Two-column books means that only two basic rates of debit and credit columns of the books.
(2) three-column books. Books is a three column with borrowers, lenders and the balance of three basic sections of the books.
(3) multi-column books
(4) the amount of number-type books. Type the number of books in the amount of debit, credit and balance within the three sections are divided quantity, unit price and the amount of three small columns to reflect the number of physical properties of materials and the magnitude of value. Raw materials, finished goods, finished products such as breakdown of the type generally used the amount of the number of books.
3. by shape feature classification
(1) set the account. For general ledger, cash journal, bank deposit account.
(2) loose-leaf account. Various general ledger accounts loose-leaf form.
(3) card account. Accounting for fixed assets accounts in the form using the card.
Second, the content of the accounting books, accounting rules and enabled
(a) the basic content of the accounting books (1) cover herve leger fashion, the name of the main marked books.
(2) title page, sets out the main subject index, list of books enabled and administered by the staff.
(3) account page, is the matter of economic business books used to record the carrier, including account names, account registration date field, type and number of the certificate number field, summary field, the amount column, the total page times, and other basic household Page content.
(b) the accounting books of the accounting rules
(1) books in the written text and numbers above to leave appropriate space, not filled with cells, generally attributable to the grid spacing 1 / 2. (
(2) the registration books to use blue-black ink or carbon ink, may not use ball-point pen (except banking books of replication) or pencil writing.
(3) the following conditions, you can use red ink bookkeeping:
① red red account in accordance with the accounting documents, write-off error logging;
; ② no borrowing in the field of multi-column account page, the registration to reduce the number;
③ in the three-column account of the balance before the column, if not printed on the direction of balance in the balance column registered a negative balance;
④ According to the national unified accounting system can be registered with the red and other accounting records.
(4) the order of the books should be continuous registration of Page not skip a line, every page. If skip a line, every page should be blank lines, empty pages crossed off or marked stamped.
(5) Where the need to bear the balance of the account balance after bear, should be account should be should bear the total page number and balance, to write the last line of this page and the next page the first line of the column, and in the summary column marked Total number and amount of write only the first line of the column the next page, and in the summary column marked page Since the beginning until the end of only the total number of page; does not require knot count of the amount took place this month herve leger gold dress, do not need to end this year cumulative incidence of total amount of accounts, you can only carry forward the balance of each page at the end of second page. ;
Third, the format of the accounting books and registration methods
(a) the journal's format and the registration method
1. the cash method of accounting and registration form ;
2. bank deposit form and the registration method
(b) the general ledger vouchers case registration can also be aggregated according to subjects or summary record summary registration certificate and other accounts.
(c) ledger accounts or details are based on two accounts set up accounts page, three-column format, multi-column, the number of number of value-type
amount of type: raw materials, finished goods
multi-column: Debit multi-column (material procurement, production costs, manufacturing costs, management fees, finance charges, operating expenses)
; credit multi-column (tax payable, the main business income) lending a multi-column (current year profits)
four , Reconciliation
card account account card check is a check verification and accounting books and records of the original documents, accounting documents between the check
account checking account checking account checking account is the difference between the accounting books and records are consistent with the books, including:
(1) the general ledger account balance check book ; (2) A breakdown of general ledger books and books of their respective check;
(3) when the order books with general ledger book check; (4) A breakdown of the reconciliation between the books.
(c) the accounts and checking accounts and checking
is all the properties, claims the book balance of debt and there is reconciliation between the amount discount herve leger, including:
; (1) the cash journal book balance and the cash amount is consistent;
(2) bank deposit book balance and bank statement balances are matched;
(3) the breakdown of material items of property and property book balance of the actual quantities of materials are consistent;
(4) a breakdown of the carrying amount of the debt claims and other units of its books and records are consistent.
Fifth, the wrong way
correct books and records of account error, not allowed to alter, Wabu, water treatment to eliminate scratching or writing, are not allowed to re-copying, must be corrected by the following methods:
(a) crossed more Dhamma
found before checking out books and records of a text or numeric errors, and vouchers are no errors, the use of crossed more Dhamma. correct, it would be the wrong words or figures draw a red line, red line above the fill in the correct text or numbers, by the accounting and related personnel at the correct seal for the wrong number, should all draw the red line corrections, not only to correct the mistake number. For textual errors can only go to the wrong part of the plan.


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16. always keep a little mystery in front of a man, a man too full to eat the food will not appreciate the hate!
17. Do not expect to use sex to get men for love and sex has nothing to do!
18. Love is a magnetic field, instead of rope, tied him, as to attract him!
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; ; warm
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the saying goes: a beautiful woman seductive; smart woman keep the brain; kind-hearted woman Yang Xin; gentle woman repose; talent woman cultivation; healthy woman of self-cultivation. Need to remind everyone that: a good woman is not a woman look beautiful, A good woman friend brought laughter, bring happiness to the family!


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1) rain rain big big
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2) Cruncher
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9) Friends of
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12) Regardless of warm good regardless of good
Ai, Ai Kou big, big Auntie marry after Ai St. Backstreet Younie sell, have sold meat fish, heavy with flowers and wearing, wearing contempt Well, give me a mouse pull down bed, got me to side, got me Dah Sing Street.
13) chicken doll
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14) lazy bones
lazy bones, get up Yan; wash in cold water, eating cold rice.
18) A Gonggong
A doll to be Pa Pa, do you drink, I drink tea, do not attempt to eat bitter tea, drunk do not attempt to drink, we go outside to play sand.
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22) laughing and shouting, flies play called, poultry guy mantis, mice footbridge to the west line of the door, than the people playing the last sentence of Luo friends .......( relatively crude, even if a)
23) looked:
looked like the stream, there are frogs diving, mountain hole looked there only child actually drunk ......< br> 24) on the ground run to the treasure, and asked Heaven to Wudao


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What is a good way to vent emotions

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lonely , unhappy
not escape , do not avoid them
face , not necessarily the most difficult

get , not necessarily long
no longer have to lose
reason may be because a sad
However , you can always find a reason to be happy

love nothing more than two people can not be happy
happy , happy as a person , < br> two people suffering as a happy sake

love is a feeling, even if the pain will feel happy
love is an experience, even if broken will feel sweet
love is an experience , even if broken will feel beautiful
some are doomed to lose , some fate is never a result of
does not necessarily have to love a person ,
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throughout the year, the tree will not be lonely desert, because there are leaves to accompany. Their love, simple, no suspicion, only love

trust, although the leaves of the tree and never said a

day, like the leaves of the style of tree:

not worry about that.

At the same time, the leaves are also good to know the wind like him, and he leaves on the wind there is a feeling the heartbeat. Leaves a time

I do not know what to do between

, is to choose a tree, or the wind do? While leaves are terribly upset when she thought of a way, that is,

ask the tree. Asked the tree leaves with a look:

tree feel a bit strange to ask the leaves,

tree does not know what it was, did not pursue further, and innocent, he did not know after this summer after the occur

affect his lifetime event! But the wind is often at this time to chat with the tree, whenever the wind when the leaves are very few words, only

is silly watching the wind to speak, a lovestruck look, but simply not aware that these trees, still as it was before love

the leaves.

the days over, the leaves are very sad every day, she did not love can not control the wind, not to forget to give love to a tree

and experienced and all the trees. Then the wind came, the leaves gently asked,

what happened, leaves?

love you, make you happy life.

leaves nothing, but quietly nestled in the arms of the wind, exposing the enviable happiness of a smile, but they

do not know the tree has been watching, but the tree but did not say what response there is no excitement, and kept to myself,

But in reality, after all

is the reality, the leaves will have to follow the wind is gone, forever gone.

left after the wind, leaves quietly back to the tree's side, while the tree is pretending nothing had happened, and looked affectionately leaves,

leaves the last question answered his question.

I will not ask you to leave, since you choose to leave, how can I retain it? If our end to make you happy,

then I will bless you for ever. I ......!

leaves have been crying, and do not want to listen anymore, she did not think the tree is so in love with himself. The leaves are touched, but

said they do not export anything, because she would follow suit to fall away. Sad tightly holding the tree leaf, she would like at this moment

time can be forever. At this time the tree is also very sad, but he continues to fight back the tears!

summer is gone, ushered in the sad autumn days to leave the leaves gradually approaching, and not to retain the tree leaves

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In a sad evening, the wind, the leaves leave the tree to send the leaves, leaves very sad herve leger 2011, looking forward to looking at trees,

the trees are barely squeeze a little smile on the wind, said:

over the leaves, leaves to know, trees are very sad, do not want to see his own tears, it does not see her.

leaves really gotta go, she look back at the tree, at this moment, the tree in the scenes showing the brain before and leaves sweet

honey day, although never with each other just say

leaves left and leave the tears, and loudly on the leaves are left, said:

kind of evening, I wait for you love me, because I love you!

the first tree said,

after the sad, the leaves chose to give up her dream of a tree!

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heart is not cold, the tree just want to hurry to the fall of next year, so that you can see the leaves, and leaves together forever.

after the winter snows, born in spring, everything changed herve leger on sale, but the leaves and the tree's heart has not changed, still love each other, separate and

not reduce their thoughts to each other, but deepened.

blink of an eye full of the fruits of summer end, and the tree of life will soon agreed to, and leaves very hesitant to give up wind it? Also

to stay around in the wind? A few days later, the leaves finally made a decision, she chose the tree, because she knows she has a favorite

the tree, so find the wind to forgive her, and her home. Style of the leaves:

understand the wind, everything understood, that he is a third party, broke into their world.

wind or reluctantly put the leaves back to the tree and leaves the agreed place, but could not find how to find the tree leaves. In this sad

fall, there are a lot of things will backfire, not to say that you can have back, who's love is not so!

good reason leaves finally found a tree, but that the tree has withered, and forever left. Just sit and look

the trees, leaves out the pain from the corner in tears, drop by drop to the tree falling in the body. Holding leaves no regret

a warm tree shouted:

me, you do not listen to me say I love you, I really love you, how do you want to leave me? I come back, no go,

you come back, the tree!

, which has become all the facts.

summer autumn leaves have,

you and I Meet late afternoon.

never meant to heart broken,

I love you already take.

keep the leaves in the trees


wait for you love me.

not leave the tree leaves, and rely on the tree, beside the tree has withered. This time they will not be separated! For ever and ever

far together.

Tanimura _


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[Transferred] to their beautiful, in fact online herve leger, very simple! Reprinted from Chang Yan-fang reproduced in at 17:36 on May 13, 2010 Reading (1) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary Report

(1) Wash your hair, put a little salt in the water, you can prevent hair loss.
(2) wash your hair with vinegar, can make hair floating along, easy care and both dandruff effect. Particularly suitable for hot dyed hair.
(3) brush your teeth with toothpaste on a small soda, brushing teeth after three white jade, rust and natural tooth loss.
(4) put a few slices of tea a day chewing in the mouth three times, it will give you mouth to keep fresh, three days later to remove bad breath.
(5) Heat over the fire with a peach on a tooth after biting on the pain, so a few times and never toothache.
(6) sleep mouth with an orange peel, with fifteen minutes 3-5 times a spit bite can cure snoring.
(7) Chili a day sooner or later, and slowly swallow, keep 3-4 days Herve leger sale, inflammation of the mouth immediately improved.
(8) with white Luobu Pi posted on both sides of the temple, night posted 20 minutes to cure migraine.
(9) will be chopped large light blue on the small cap, the pillow before going to sleep while the small cap can be safely placed in sleep for several days to cure insomnia.
(10) or injured tendons after leek mash, a little boy of less urine, swelling can be attached to the wound a few hours, three days can return to normal.

(11) at the mouth of each egg with a facial, wash with water after one hour, if often rub the skin more tender.

(12) orange with a Many people, when oranges are put on the orange In fact, there is rich in flavonoids, beneficial to the body.
(13) 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 7 am, the sun is the best time to health.
(14) tea health is the best time 1 hour after meals.
(15) 3 minutes after a meal is a mouth, brush your teeth the best time.
(16) to sleep every night to come to a warm water bath (35 ℃ ~ 45 ℃), enables the body's muscles, joints relaxation, blood circulation, help you fall asleep.
(17) meal 45-60 minutes per hour and 4.8 km of the speed of walking for 20 minutes, the heat consumption of the largest and most conducive to weight loss. If you take a walk after dinner two hours later, the effect will be better.
(18) evening exercise is most beneficial.
(19) mouth slightly upward, eyedrops, so that chaos will not blink an eye.
(20) into the small dust eyes, close your eyes and cough hard a few, the dust will be out on his own.

(21) has just been completed when the mosquito bites, apply soap will not itch.
(23) If the throat, inflammation of the gums, and at night watermelon cut into small pieces, dipped in salt to eat, remember that it must be night, when the symptoms will be reduced, the next day like
(24) eat the smell of things, such as garlic, tofu, and eat a few peanuts like
(25) flowers Herve leger, the drop of detergent in the water, can be maintained for several days.
(26) Summer feet sweat easily, their feet every day with salt water can cope with sweaty feet
(27) anti-insomnia: too much before going to bed less about words, avoid drinking tea, before going to bed do not Dayong brain, and feet can be hot water and vinegar; (28) easily becomes dry, rough hands, hands with vinegar and soak for 10 minutes' skin;
(29) every morning with a friction face tofu a few minutes for a month , the face will become very moist;
(30) stains on the bag, you can wipe with cotton dipped in the wind spirits.

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A male users (a President) to the broadband customer service call, ask the reason you can not use broadband. The customer service lady verified, the user has been suspended due to arrears of broadband services, customer service lady informed the user. But this time a tearful Mr. anxious about the reasons for the Internet, commitment to the customer within two days
certain to miss payments, customer service lady was impressed. As a result, the network decided to temporarily opened its users 24 hours, and repeatedly told the
user must pay within two days, and the user has repeatedly guaranteed.
48 hours later, customer service lady to the financial investigation, that the user still does not pay, very angry. So
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part is repeating some of the icons

should be more popular, it is called, such as Japan, Fuji SABURA, should be called Sri Lanka Baruch.

reproduced and then finishing the next

Lexus Lexus is now called, also known as Bentley Bentley

Audi's four rings logo, representing the four companies before the merger. These companies have a bicycle, motorcycle and small passenger car manufacturers. Since the company was originally formed by the merger of four companies, so each ring is a symbol of the company.
Mercedes BENZ
1909 年 6 to apply for registration of three-pointed star of Daimler's car as a symbol of landing on water and air mechanization. Around 1916, it added in a circle round the top of the mosaic of the four small stars, following a Mercedes
Volkswagen's German Volks Wagenwerk, intended for the public use of the car, the VW logo in the full name of the first letter. Signs like the three with the middle finger and index finger to make the
Toyota Toyota TOYOTA
three oval logo is used from the early 1990s. Large oval logo on behalf of the Earth, in the middle by the two combined into a vertical oval T, on behalf of Toyota.
Ford Ford FORD
Ford English Ford logo is the use of the word, blue and white. As founder Henry Ford, like small animals, so the sign painted in English designers of the Ford looks like a little rabbit pattern.
the middle of the blue and white BMW logo design, representing the blue sky, white clouds and keep rotating the propeller, Yu said the origins of BMW's long history, a symbol of the company in the past in the aero-engine technology leadership , but also a symbol of the company's goal and objectives:
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sign of a leaping horse. Italy in World War I there was a very good pilot performance; his plane had this one will bring him good luck in the Prancing Horse. Racing in the Ferrari after winning the first, the pilot's parents - a couple of suggestions to the count: Ferrari should also be printed on in the car to bring good luck horse Yamaha. The pilot was killed, the horse became a black color; and location for the company logo background color of the canary in Modena.
Peugeot Motor Company's predecessor cheap herve leger dresses, the 19th century brothers, Pierre Peugeot family saw a production run, springs and other iron tools, small workshops. The iron is a trademark mighty lion, it is the company located Frendo sign repair Kundi province, the metaphor that can not be conquered. Reflects Peugeot saw three advantages: well-serrated teeth like lion's wear, saw themselves as the backbone of the Lions flexible, see-saw performance like lions are to clear. When 1890 came the first time a Peugeot car, for that it's high quality, the company decided to still use the term
Aston Martin Aston Martin ASTONMARTIN
fly a car flag Dapeng, were marked with Austen, Martin English words. Dapeng Yu said the company, as the same, with heaven's sprint speed and lofty ideals.
Bentley (Bentley) Bentley
Erte Ou text Hartley 1919 production of the first one on the four-cylinder racing car with a badge, above a pair of hawk wings surround the Terry the beginning of the letter Now, four-cylinder cars are no longer produced, and Bentley Car logo is the first letter of company name
Lincoln Lincoln LINCOLN
owned by Ford Motor Company is the second brand. Lincoln Motor Company is Mr. Henry Leland founded in 1907, 1922 Ford Motor Corporation. The initial production of aircraft engines for the industry. Lincoln was the first president of a brand name, the president and head of state for the production of high-end cars. Jaguar Jaguar JAGUAR

name origin, can be traced back to 1937. SS Motor Company in June of that year officially accepted Sunbeam (Wolverhampton) Motor Company. At the time, Lyons Jazz finally chose a variety of languages ​​are pronounced in the name of crisp-Jaguar, which is based on a World War I flying machine named. Jaguar, also known as Jaguar, people still called
Chevrolet Chevrolet CHEVROLET
a trademark that the pattern of the bow, Chevrolet is the Swiss racing driver, engineer Louis Chevrolet's name.
Lexus cars were a sign to take the first letter of the English, that LEXUS first letter
company's logo is a whole body full of strength, the opponent is preparing to launch a fierce attack. Lamborghini is said to be outdone himself is this obstinacy, but also reflects the Lamborghini product feature, because the company produced cars are high-power, high-speed sports car. Trademark on the front and rear eliminating the company name, only a stubborn cow.
using the crown and shield components. Crown Cadillac symbolizes the family's coat of arms, pearl crown on the 7 metaphor for the royal blue blood. Cadillac shield symbolizes the heroic army.
Alpha - Romeo ALFAROMEO
Alfa Romeo logo in use since the early 1930s, this is the city emblem of Milan, Milan is also a medieval lord Weisikangtai Duke family crest, logo Crusaders of the cross section from the story of the expedition out from Milan; the right part of the Duke of Milan's emblem; Sarah on snake swallowing pattern of fast people there are various legends, one of the argument is a symbol of the ancestors who Weisikangtai repelled the suffering of the people
Car marked by the icon and the word mark composed of two parts. Volvo graphic logo is formed by the double-ring shape of the wheel, and the arrow pointing to the upper right. The middle of the Latin word
Mazda Motor Corporation formerly known as Toyo Kogyo Company, the production of cars of the company founder, Mazda. Mazda with Ford after the introduction of a new logo, oval seagulls flying in the wings, while composed of
Lotus logo is inlaid in the floor with an oval lotus abstract shape, above in addition to the C. B. CHAPMAN) the four letters Chapman, Lotus is a British company founded in 1951, the main production sports car, due to small scale, in the fierce competition changed hands several times, now settled in to Italy's Fiat Motor Company.
1898, Louis Renault in France, three brothers Yang ancient than the creation Renault. It is the world's oldest car companies. The main products are the Renault brand cars, official cars and sports cars. Renault diamond logo makes up the four patterns, three brothers and a symbol of the Renault automobile integration, said that Buick Buick BUICK

trademarks in the shape of the ), in turn arranged in different height positions, giving a positive, feel constantly climbing, Buick logo in English from the company's founder cheap herve leger dress, David Buick's last name. The wings of the eagle trademark is about to fall on the letters on the Buick. It symbolizes the Buick is the ideal habitat for eagles,

Porsche Porsche cars marked in English using the German Porsche founder Ferdinand Porsche's last name. Graphic logo with the company in Stuttgart, where the coat of the city emblem.

German Opel Opel is a subsidiary of U.S. company General Motors, GM in Europe is a window. It is founded by the Adam Opel, has been one hundred years of history.
Italian Fiat company was founded in July 1899 is now Fiat is Italy's most important automobile manufacturing center and the largest private enterprise group. The fields of commercial vehicles, ships, aircraft, trains, farm tractors and construction machinery. Fiat (FIAT) car factory in Turin, Italy (Fabbrica Itliana Auto-mobi Ledi Torino) translation abbreviation
modern HYUNDAI
1947, the Chung Ju Yung of Hyundai Motor Company created by 50 years of development, it has become Korea's largest automobile manufacturers, and large companies to enter the ranks of world famous cars. Its trademark is the use of italics in the oval H, H is the English name HYUNDAI Hyundai Motor Company's first capital letter

Skoda Skoda is the meaning of trade mark: a huge circle symbolizes the world Skoda impeccable products; bird wings symbolizes the technological advances of the products sold around the world; the right flight of the arrow, the symbol of advanced technology; now license the production of Skoda Felicia cars mark the bottom part of the Gui branch leaves, said the victory.

Chrysler Chrysler (Chrysler), founder of the company is named after Walter Chrysler car company. Graphic trademark five-pointed star, like a medal,

Suzuki Suzuki S is the trademark logo is a trademark SUZAUKI the first pattern in S is the first capital letter SUZUKI, 1909, Mr. Suzuki Hamana in Shizuoka Prefecture County created the Suzuki Loom Manufacturing, Automotive Industry Corporation in 1954, renamed Suzuki. The company mainly produces mini-cars, vans, motorcycles, etc. Since 1979, the company's mini-car sales in Japan ranked first,
1900, the Andre Citroen invented the herringbone gear. In 1912, Andre Citroen Citroen began employing shaped gear products as a trademark.

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A bogey: take doors off. Business does not run is not active, rapidly changing commodity markets, commodity exchanges pay attention to timeliness, take the door off the microscopic. Only running in order to learn market information, identify the opportunity, can only profit.
Second, avoid: cowards. As the saying goes, as long as seven can take action, and the remaining one-third of failing to grasp by you is not resolved to fight dental caries, missing no opportunity to profit, almost certain to know the business in the little things to make money.
three Ps: do not sell more goods more expensive. Prices do not decline in value of goods not only, to a certain extent you, as long as they sell to make money, regardless of Profits to be met, if the wait for high prices, 10 have ** to suffer.
four Ps: to save up the money. Make the post longer willing to invest, put money into a living dead money, and only insatiable, and constantly expand the scale of operation, development and growth of their business to the next level.
Five Note: aim too high. Look down on small small profit, want to eat into fat, so never made no big money. Only small to large, slowly add up, step by step, the final climb to the pinnacle of wealth.
bogey six: sell themselves. Many people only focus on production rather than pay attention to marketing, that something good was attracted by the natural, which is a passive marketing tool. Only active soliciting, to expand its influence, more sales and profit before Italian.
Taboos: people we ye ye dry dry. Lack of creative spirit, always behind with the others, was led by the nose, others the benefit received is over, you press on a profit little or nothing. Only the first step to capture the market in order to win.
eight bogey: Hot heat treatment information. Got hot information, they rush blindly action, not fully prepared to fight a battle unprepared lost more than it wins less. Only careful analysis of the market, to be well-thought, before being launched.
nine avoid: heat-loving tired of the cold. Why the total to more people doing things the better, to know that the Only spotted the More than simply selling merchandise sales, and profits high prices are sky high, the results of huge profits selling less. Only Lee see some light at reasonable prices will have customers, small profits can only make money.
Into the nine major means:
1, courage determination - to overcome the habit of wavering nothing
reason why many people, the biggest problem is the lack of means of daring decision, always glance right and left, after thinking it over, and thus missed the success of the best time. Into a major success in the possibility of coming to see things, the courage to make major decisions white bandage dress, so a head start.
2, challenge weaknesses - to completely change their flaws
everyone has weaknesses, of those great things can not always stick to their own weaknesses, not a major life change; those great things can always be good from their own weakness of the surgery, the ability to transform itself into a super person. Defects even their own people can not be corrected, only losers!
3, overcome difficulties - from the failure group of successful capital
always face difficult life challenges, can even say that the plight is the Most people will face difficulties and trembling, made major changes to the plight of those who are able to succeed powerful springboard.
4, seize the opportunity - good selection, good at creating
opportunity is the greatest wealth. Some people waste the opportunity easily, so one has great potential opportunities have slipped quietly ran into a major event is absolutely not allowed to slip away, and can jump toward the opportunity.
5, to play a strong point - to do things they do best
a very weak ability of human life situation it is difficult to open, the stage of life he must be the victim of heavyweight; those great things to do on their own things, to fully display their talents, step by step to expand the road to success.
6, attitude adjustment - should not let negative emotions hurt themselves
mentality of people, in any case not afford to pick and burden of life, because they can not face a personal health setback into a major event is on high-speed state of mind, even if without any hope, they can see a ray of light of success.
7, immediate action - just saying no, a hundred times better than an operation
vain thought. Some people are
8, good communication - a clever use of human resources people do not know how to contact
is bound to advance the power of human relationships. One of the characteristics of those great things are: good by leveraging red herve leger dress, by heat to create a successful situation, so can a piece of accomplishing something difficult to accomplishing, and realize their life plan.
9, re-planning - Station to a higher starting point
life is a process, success is a process. If you meet the small success will encourage the big success. Into a major event to understand the difficult process of small to large, so to achieve a small success, to continue to open the next life

can talk about any kind of means, can lead to an outcome, but this result is not the best result, I am afraid it is difficult to say. Into a major event always choose the best means to achieve the best results, this non-ordinary people can do. Therefore, success on the road, you want to become a major event, the first problem to be solved is: you means to promote the success of your plan is immediate!

into the event must have nine kinds of capabilities
ability to survive challenge: to find the answer in real good
1, attitude and courage to face reality
reality for those who constantly complain about the poor people is not desirable reality, just as prison life, both hands and feet bound, and bound body and mind, so often succumb to the pressure of reality, a cowardly person; and those who really great things, dare to challenge the reality is, in reality in honing their survival skills, which is called the strong!
In this, we can draw an experience of great things: to adapt to rapidly changing realities of the change their ideas, the most important thing is we need to have an intelligent and flexible mind's eye, do life, heart.
In reality, under the pressure, if you change the concept, timely and forward, can have a multiplier effect.
Our bottom-up can not be separated even for a moment the reality, as reality changes, we must adapt their ideas, thoughts, actions and goals. This is a survival imperative.
If we have a way to change reality to fit our abilities and desires of the development needs, it is most valuable.
2, so you have excellent self-
made, is to overcome desire, not because of pressure on my heart a little impetuous, not encountered in the Heart of the matter a little big temper.
a person unless the first control yourself, otherwise it will not control other people.
a successful event as long as the goal, know what you want, and then take action, tell yourself never give up, success is only a matter of time only.
If you are in trouble or hinder the way, you went to face it and solve it, and then move on, so the problem was not greater accumulation.
when you move forward one step climb, do not say to yourself
people most difficult to overcome is their own, the meaning of these words is that the biggest obstacle to a person's success does not come from the outside world, but their own. Only control ourselves, to control the pressure to yield to the pressure in front of you.
3, the emotion into the rationality of the box
generated a backlash is often subtle, but its impact on a person's life is huge, this effect is reflected from a lot of little things. We should try to eliminate their negative emotions, because it will give us not only cause physical and psychological harm, and in our on the road to success, negative emotions can sometimes become a stumbling block.
To your success, you have the emotion into the rationality of the box, you have to adapt to other people adapt to the situation, otherwise, you can not destined to become a major event, destined to be eliminated.
4, the power of thought alone can stimulate
If you know how to be alone, then those great things alone are good people - in the process alone the power to stimulate thinking.
low self-esteem can be overwhelming, like a mountain man and you will never silence can also be generated as a powerful forward momentum.
step ahead than others, to create a successful state of mind.
in alone, you should be thinking, do not always overstaffed.
5, pressure is the best incentive
who want to become a major event, because of lofty goals, the pressure may be greater. But Ruoyu into a big, must be able to withstand this pressure, the pressure as the driving force to promote life.
one of the most outstanding work is often out in the particular circumstances of adversity. People want something we must do certain things. Should be done must be good, the firm should not do not do.
get does not necessarily Fortunately, it does not completely lost bad thing.
6, the transformation strain, have a way out
conform to the trend, good changes, to adjust their programs of action, which is as big a way to adapt to reality.
a person does not deal with people of superior skill, did not all cases are thoughtful mind, flexibility of the tool, you simply can not control the big situation, will be difficult to become a major event.
a person can see their status, many balanced state of mind will be able to look on an objective, understand the world, and adjust their behavior accordingly.
7, self-confidence is a strong pillar of life, self-confidence enough
's ability to adapt to the high, low adaptive capacity and vice versa.
general lack of confidence in people who are often some of the more serious physical and psychological symptoms, such as withdrawal, fear with people, talking too radical, despair.
If successful experience more things, then confidence will be.
the opportunity to exercise self-less successful, more self-confidence is weak, thus resulting in a serious inferiority complex.
nineteenth-century thinkers Ralph Waldo Emerson said: into their strengths on the level of most people's lives
only stay in: To eat and eat, to take the bus and ride for work to work, to go home and go home.
into a major event and who is not a big difference in some small action only: spend 5 minutes a day reading, playing more than a phone, a little more effort, one that at the right time, performing on multiple charges a little effort, and more Do some research, or in the laboratory test once more.
in action before you know you are competent to this task.
no excuse can be interpreted to be what you are still not capable of a long work.
Whether you want to pursue what you have to force yourself to enhance the ability to achieve goals.
spare no practice, engage in active practice, practice spare finally! Never stop learning, and be sure to apply the knowledge learned in daily life.
9, to concentrate on doing one thing
If most people concentrate strictly on a work, they can do this work well.
most of those great things is that business decisions quickly and decisively, they are always the first to identify a clear goal and focus and dedication towards this goal.
time only concentrate on doing one thing, threw himself into and actively want it to succeed, so that your heart will not feel exhausted.
you need to do is imagine a big row of drawers in a small drawer. Do not always think of all the drawers, but you have to focus on the open drawer. Each man's means are not the same things, you can tell, there is a means to a person, a person there is a means to succeed on their own way. Numerous facts have shown that some people are too self-confident, sure miss their own means to solve any problems, but do not know that this is often not have any effect. Therefore, they always feel that the goal of success is not getting away from the past, but in fact more and more distant.
Into nine kinds of events necessary attitude of mind
: positive
1. Always thinking to succeed
2. To do the in order to become a major event
4. abandon the interference of adversity, look up the source of
5. to give up is also a successful start
6. In the ordinary to do extraordinary things
7. stay young The attitude is very important
8. always positive, active, enthusiastic attitude of the two
: diligent humility
1. Top Gun thinking, down to dry
2 Qin King industries, humble man
3. diligence than talent
4. hard to create a successful herve leger swimsuit, destruction lazy genius
5. cultivate the habit of hard work will be a lifetime benefit
6 there a hard, there is a harvest
7. perseverance and support to 1 is a kind of honesty from their own nature
2. honesty is the big winner
3. in good faith to lay a successful foundation
4. sincere friendship will make your business more developed
5 man should be honest conduct
6. honesty is as big a The fourth state of mind: the courage to challenge
1. dare to challenge themselves, to overcome the degrading psychological
2. Challenge Unlimited
3. made by the courage to persist in the end, halfway is a coward
4. for the challenge provoked into a big confidence
5. courage is a good way to overcome difficulties
6. Katsuhito by force, since the winner strong
7. persistence and perseverance is as big of basic skills
8. perseverance into a big, kick the tires no way out
mentality Five: Six good cooperation
mind: balance
contented state of mind of the seven:
optimist attitude of the eight: nine generous guest,
mind: always self-confidence