
Detroit Pistons jerseys-Most leaders do not like and most like the 10 kinds of people

(a) leadership does not like to use most of the 10 kinds of people

first is talented, superior ability of people.

has been a focus of such a person, no matter who the leadership of such people had to use, do not not, ah, someone has to do the work for him. Well used, because such people tend to make too strong leadership ability to feel pressure. If a person's knowledge, strong leadership ability than words, have become leaders in many ways better than him, and he undoubtedly has in many ways their own minds and practices of leadership practice and opinion will not agree, it does not lead to leadership face and dignity, so that the leaders was very unhappy. As the television show of the same lines, said: overshadowed in the unit itself.

The second style is decent, upright people.

such a person should have been appreciated by the leadership of fishes, but why not reuse the leadership of him? The reason is simple things that people talk about the principles of tough talk, it is difficult and the reality of social integration, lightness finds that only a primary school textbooks in the sentence. Make a small example, leading casual dinners out, keep drinking, the money can not let it lead his own pocket, if so, then who would be leaders, would not the poor dead? This money will undoubtedly be units out, if such a person in an important position, leadership is it created for itself ah?

third is unscrupulous, mercenary people.

let a unit leadership squandered the funds has been very tight, and if you let a few profit-making subsidiary of their own pockets, and how that leadership has been? Not have been so popular then? The basic wage does not move, my wife basically do not. Say that leadership, so that the leaders started to move if their wages, and that became what morals? Leadership but also with you? Obviously not, so that people do not like the leadership of the most used.

fourth is not very obedient, like separation of powers from the hands of the leadership of people.

so-called leadership is not officers, just human beings. If people do not just who the Director-General, that the leadership gets himself into what location? How can we allow others to sleep side couch. Whether you are talented, capable, if not listen to the words of the leadership, against the wishes of the leadership, leadership capacity how can you? Leadership on this issue is very firm, and he would rather use an incompetent and obedient people, will not affect him with a full exercise of power.

fifth leader is like grasping handle, with the leaders act against the people.

This led most people a headache, he quit the day down to business, like secretly asking the leadership of some shady things, and then intentionally or unintentionally, so that the leaders know, so that the leaders is very difficult. He did not need it, have the handle in the hands of people with it, is contrary to their conscience! How to do it? Had to give him a less important position charged with this matter, so long as not to poke yourself into trouble that is needed.

sixth idea is not correct, do not stand firm in person.

such a person is, people often say No matter which unit seemingly calm, in fact, secretly in a clique, struggled, leaders have no doubt have their own interpersonal circle Atlanta Hawks Caps, to help consolidate his own position of absolute leadership. If you encounter a doctrine is not correct, do not stand firm guy, big east to east, west to the big westerly, that leadership is it Yanghuweihuan? In the eyes of the leadership of this people are the most unreliable, is not the.

seventh is humble, not to those who do.

society honest now, be honest if a person is no longer praised, but little has been looked down upon the meaning of honest incompetence seems to have become a synonym. If a unit time in a calm state, the most anxious person is led. Why? Too quiet it means that nothing happens, then led naturally in a state of Ruoyouruowu, you say leadership can not worry you? At this time hoping to find someone to do a sudden point, so that the leaders come forward to solve, to show the existence of leadership, show leadership's authority. As for when to do this, and when not to do, such a person's own sense of proportion. Humble, not to the things people do when they should not come to things, but self-defeating.

Eighth is preoccupied with disgruntled people.

such a person, no matter which leader would not like. It does not work for him, he thinks that he did not need leadership; to assign him to work, he too led unfair that he was doing more than others, in short, in his eyes a leadership inside and outside. And often a trifle preoccupied with the leadership of such people not only do not like, but it is difficult to allow him even colleagues.

ninth species is pushy, people everywhere to show off.

most like to do this, but he was one of those people who do not come often to look in front of the leadership, the result is counter-productive, self-defeating. And who led this one with him, he touched the East and West, and like holding a feather when everyone happy, full of swaggering through the streets. This person is also one of the biggest drawbacks for the leadership can not be kept secret. Leak the secret of leadership, leadership that does not mean that public crime that ruined the future leaders? Such people lead dare use it?

tenth species is destitute, no background.

speaking, such a person relatively poor, although poverty is not wrong, but wrong when you do not Boyd. Money talks, this is everlasting lasts for thousands of years the famous. This will no doubt lead with no benefit to him, ah, the leadership of debauchery can neither money, nor the background to help lead illustrious career, not only so, then why the leadership in this people? Of course, it does not lead such a person would never do, and sometimes also used, as long as you help leaders do a good job, it makes the leadership of such people on the go, this one although not reused, has been in the next re bitter.

(b) the leading favorite of the 10 kinds of people

each end of the year, there are always some of my friends would complain, saying that their hard dry year, the promotion of cadres to the end of the year when their were not any. They wondered, whether some people brought to the ability to be able to talk their diploma or comparable to, but why people can be brought to, and why in the same position is ten thousand years?

on this phenomenon, many places seem to exist.

leaders employing the art of their own, non-ordinary people can understand us, or leadership is not leadership.

employing about leadership, I probably summed up about ten different people leading like to use, and it is the most common:

The first is people who have genuine talent.

place in which such a person no matter which units are more popular, regardless of who serves as leader, you always want to do some work for him up, only to boost the work, and leadership to get higher-level recognition. Leadership had to use such a person, directly involves their own interests.

The second person is

have expertise in a particular person.

the overall level of such a person may not very high, how knowledge is not extensive, but there are extraordinary in one respect only. This no doubt is also favored by the leadership, because in one respect he earned honors as a unit, leading his face glory ah.

third person who is honest and clean uncorrupted.

This man led them

more comfortable with the one unit of money does not corrupt, and second, to corrupt the people and not affiliated money. Neither the loss of property units will not be ruined by corruption and the reputation of units and leaders.

fourth person is a person, excluding gains and losses.

such a person will not be more or less, were few and many have been led to face to see, at work, and never cared about personal gains and losses, only a single-minded nature to do a good job. This led people to use them more peace of mind.

fifth tight-lipped about who is the only person who does not say.

leadership had to do some things, but can not personally do it, only to send subordinates to do. Some people just do not see for the leadership of people and it was making headlines, lest the world know, potentially leading to bring a lot of embarrassment and trouble. In these matters, leading favorite of people do but not that tight-lipped, with the leadership of such a person up the Heart.

sixth person is sociable person.

Most of these people

no real ability, the outsider, he is an idle idle street bully. But this one was very appreciated by the leadership, why? Because he had extensive communication circle, with what people can see above, that the case, many things can settle for the leadership. This led people to use them more easily.

seventh leader who is able to solve problems of people.

leaders are human beings, there will always encounter some troubles and difficulties, and some things themselves come forward to solve and inappropriate, this time leading total need someone to help solve problems. Even through some of the secret operations, who secretly undetected for leadership to solve problems, such people lead more favor with them.

Eighth flattering sycophant who is person.

whenever the total to establish a dignified leader, superior image, this way, many comrades in addition to work outside the little things that make too much communication with the leadership. Therefore, the leadership achievements, feats without power praise song from my heart that he can happily up? And this one day a deliberate attempt to sing the praises for the leadership, the leadership in front of Peizhexiaolian, said some of flattery, so that kind of leadership a sense of accomplishment. In addition, exposure to higher-level leadership opportunities and more times, all others Peizhexiaolian, heck. If someone in the leadership when the leadership in front of Peizhexiaolian heart will feel balanced.

ninth race is a background.

here refers to a certain background of parents or friends when the officer bigger than the official leadership. Such people are not capable of leadership had to use. There is a saying, fine repair water, without incident early man. Leadership with such a person is in fact for their own man, if something happens one day find their relatives and head to the people when the people will see in their own relatives for the sake spare no effort to help the leadership. This is with no doubt pave the way for his leadership.

tenth kinds of people just like trouble for the leadership of people.

such people cynical, outspoken, like to spread gossip and revenge very strong. Leadership to take on such a person is obviously not very effective means of repression, because he will not make big mistakes, not enough on the fire, just a little to the point of action he will find the leadership of the crop, consciously or unconsciously, regardless of settings, leading to embarrassment. For such people the best way is to use him, but real power can not be entrusted with the task, can only give a very important position as long as his mouth shut on the line.

(c) fifteen strokes you wish to achieve when the leader

1, to use my mind to speak, work and prudent

so much useless, the mouth is a speaker only, usually must pay attention to supervision, control knobs and a good FM sound control switch, or give yourself a lot of trouble. Do not just momentary gratification speech, lip, smile that people give you is to enjoy the endless pit of the stomach to dig out all speak the words of the child, the results thoroughly and let people find out the real situation. Also laugh at you unawares.

2, failing to do not jump to conclusions

The answer should be so even with

, there may be a better solution, different viewpoints have different answers, we must learn transposition of thinking, especially in times of trouble, be sure to learn and so an and so on, lean against, a lot of time not only to resolve the trouble, says no good luck came.

3, of the villain must be patient

a step backward, it is not their own space to give them, let them revel it as the joy of spring-like. As the saying goes large measure the people's congress, not the mundane in my heart, rat stomach Intestinal villain, a villain on the other and provoke in trouble, the top under the sun a few bad people untouchables. Until now I thought a better way to defeat the villain, do not know at arm's length is feasible.

4, there is no reason in this world of love, there is no reason to hate

not comment on any person, be aware of it. The so-called coffin more than a simple truth is there are too hasty. No one has a theoretical basis to define good and bad guys come, in fact, interest in the issue.

5, only that part of the money spent is the real part of your wealth

you are home bound million consistent, when students want to eat, want to wear, both eyes closed, you know who the rest of the money spent a strange, Yuan Buyuan. There are those who live frugally corrupt officials, senior officials do not do good, the results of returning to poverty due to corruption, it did not cost a penny also catch personal belongings.

6, something must be done to establish the moral bottom line in advance

thieves also know some things must not steal. So things must absolutely do do, adding insult to injury is absolutely not to do things, to others so that the escape route is equivalent to their own forward.

7, for those who often find trouble even bully you, you may be able to tolerate

no need to make life difficult time with Mangfu, but must give him a save, the old grudges accumulated new enemies, justice and truth belong to you, then aimed at the opportunity he must be a thorough lesson in the law of privilege within the whole Kill Detroit Pistons jerseys, Kill beat, so that kid will always remember: In addition to your father, no one you used those foul problems.

8, easy to hide the gun, stab in the back hard against

behind calculating your villain will never disappear, this is the Chinese characteristics, the villain can not offend, the same villain is unforgivable, it is eternal truths, in the final analysis also determined a small side villain, treatment Accurate to stabilize such a person, you can pretend nothing happened, peace and harmony, all is well, and then to a out at large, to steal, fire with fire, so that kid know: the villain is not anyone can do, good people to There are standards, difficult to do the same villain.

9, to treat people who love you have to respect

love you for a reason, do not ask why, receiving care at the same time use the double return, but do not deceive other people's feelings, love is the most precious wealth, this is your money does not come with wealth. Do not ring true impact on the family business, but do not let a family dispute influence career. Do not cost effective, family and career are affected, or even loss. A man to carry the good things, we should swallow tears. Remember: people underestimate the emotional equivalent to contempt for paying their own, Wanwusangzhi, playing people were killed German, love is a virtue.

10, behind the praise of your people, know to be treasured in my heart

this little water inside. Called flattering praise you face to face, and then bluntly called curries favor with some, you can laugh it off, on when nothing happened, you may soon have to ask for, publicly praise you for the kind of person who would neglect incredible, maybe you turned around, poke it with your finger, grasp the principle: every person more derogatory own, less praise others, except when pre-election appraised.

11, some of you used a small cheap, villain small intestines, large NPC measure

have the opportunity to pit him a big, out of a large blood, let him also remember: the world is simply no free lunch, how cheap white pick you make. Small favors save more is a big hole if they accept must find opportunities to return, line spring look Xia Yu, pay is to harvest, in fact, a simple relationship between the seed and fruit. Do not let the innocent to harm, and remember: Life is like a play, are looking for a balance of interests, only the balance of the game possible to play down.

12, suffering from mental illness is not liable, and can be no reason to bite you

so mad-class people to deal at arm's length, remain between, do not communicate, step back, brighter, I believe is a crazy personality, though not worthy of respect, but the truth of its own existence, the food chain and ultimately the ring .

13, a life of tourists do it

the final analysis, as long as with people, people with morals, far away from non-point, near point by family members, there will be some peace of mind, with the pleasant. Optimistic attitude from tolerance, from the generous, from the understanding, from the madding crowd. Bad mood is suffering insomnia, out, in fact, reality is not as bad as you think life has peaks and troughs, there is no smooth sailing in life, how to Deng Xiaoping, ups and downs, the last is not everything he says goes.

14, the so-called good and evil fate is nothing more than only two, cherish the good, and do not absolutely exclude evil

I believe also the edge

pass it, nearly 60 million people around the world, who is not easy to hit, so experiencing bad pratyaya, but also try to tolerance, to the other party a chance, can not come to negate.

15, interaction with others to position itself

can not think of myself as old people, old and take themselves as leaders, think of myself as old and rich, always assume that he is My Lover, always feel good about themselves, even if there is a really small, results are striking, but also cautious, open-minded, to knowing too much, in fact, the ultimate outcome is the same, but you look at their own complex, to be saying: do not give yourself too seriously.

(D) the boss will not close the door to tell your workplace

1, never go against the company, and the boss enemy

believe that companies recognize the logic of the boss is the only workplace human can do, or you live every day in pain and frustration. He Feipeng boss, the employees can be heard many complaints and criticism, before he will agree that many of the deficiencies of the company, tried various methods to make up. Later, he discovered, is the possessor of one hundred meters with the same kind of person, so that each employee can not be satisfied, so decided to use their own logic, set their own rules.

employees have the right to decide their own fate, but as long as you choose to stay, please believe that companies recognize the boss, do not stand with the company's hostile stance.

2, the boss is not unreasonable

boss has a curse by all the characteristics of employees, it is not unreasonable. Directed by the owner of the business overall, there must be water in a stone out of the will of any situation. Critical moment, the boss can be unreasonable it? Enterprises often face the unexpected, the very conditions, unreasonable is not enough, the boss is not unreasonable if the vicious and murderous, that company can be placed.

remember the word: the training requirement is reasonable and unreasonable demands are honed, honed iron is definitely out of the military.

3, the boss not you think so tired

once, Hefei Peng promoted an outstanding young director to do, the young man refused on the grounds that: I do not think like you, hard. Bosses are very tired? Hefei Peng said his own example, most people see only the boss busy, heavy pressure, and did not see the work of self-bosses, the boss can management team. Bosses have a self, self-management.

Finally, he said, some heavy workload, but the heart is free and easy; some people choose easy task, but always controlled by others, can not live out the true self.

4, part-time is the only thing to do can not be said

nothing at all, we were feeling. Bosses care about is not only filled the hearts of his company, as well as other companies. For part-time, and their feeling of So, you and I if part-time in other places, it is best not to tell the boss silly to think that, dig in the chest with the boss, the other is the destruction of their own.

bosses are would like to know what, maybe we can solve a lot of unpleasant work to avoid a lot of childish idea. How can I climb uphill, do better in the workplace, Hefei Peng professional attitude and working methods can learn:

First, to manage their own low tide, do not take

Hefei Peng said that he has fallen too, have thought of changing jobs, but then think of other things of interest, just no other opportunities, but to continue to do, then feel calm, and it was found on the original work still full of enthusiasm!

everyone when the low tide recognize themselves, their own cowardice, evasion is a matter of course, may also throw in the towel. But, no one really

verify the following three ways is just a temporary downturn, rather than the use of

1) to confirm their interest on anything, but this can also operate as the cause.

2) confirmation of the present work is not enthusiasm, no interest, is not affected by the environment San Antonio Spurs jersey, is not poor performance, not much money?

3) Recall that the performance is good, is not the current passionate about?


Second, the reluctance of others, is compulsory

flow, a matter of course, is what most people expect, but rarely so easy. Most of the time, as we have a strong and constantly force yourself, others reluctantly, in order to have a little final results.

young Hefei Peng also hate people forced to do things, always think everything should be other departments to help promote your work, friends, help your boss promises and so on. Everyone is constantly urging of others, continue to persuade, communicate constantly, constantly begging under the complete one thing.

This is a ubiquitous Society barely others, is the human workplace to recognize this fact, beginning to grow and learn.

